Monday, March 16, 2015

Day 4: Monday night

Hello Everyone,

Another long day. 

The doctors continue to be very pleased with Dale's recovery.  They are thinking he'll be discharged on either Wednesday or more likely Thursday.

And the DBD (Dear Bodhisattva Donor) turned the corner over night and today he was feeling much much better than he's been.  We expect he'll be discharged tomorrow.

I am kind of running on fumes.  But now that Dale is mostly out of the woods, as the saying goes, I hope to be able to go to sleep and stay asleep for my usual 6+ hours.

love to all,


  1. Glad to hear things are going alright! We're following along closely and are glad to hear DBD is doing better.

    Happy liver lobes to everybody!


  2. I'm so glad to hear that the operation was a success. I've been thinking of you both, and Dale has appeared in my dreams, in his characteristic humor.
